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The realization that nature is an important part of overall well-being made this a crucial part of my healing methods. You will be healthier, happier, and heartier once you embrace the Power of Nature as well.


My work, my well-being, and my creativity depend on my deep connexion with nature. It plays an important role in my healing practices. Inspires my creativity. A part of who I am.


We have amputated our interaction with the natural world. This disconnect contributes to our decrease in health and well-being. Studies prove this. Our own experience reminds us as well. Spending time in nature simply feels right. Even pictures of nature help us feel better.


You will use pieces of the natural world during your healing sessions. Feathers. Stones. Pinecones. Items I've been offered along my many countryside wanders. Nature Herself seems to offer them freely. A gift. A treasure to take home and appreciate. A tie to moments surrounded by her soothing embrace.


My burning desire: Expressing gratitude for and awareness of our beautiful surroundings. That is why I created Visions by Heidi cards. Images of my countryside adventures adorn the front. Inside is a blank canvas for you to create the message, note, or wishes of your choice. I use my cards during mindfulness and meditation practices and workshops. The deep connexion with nature completes my healing trifecta.



Why Nature?

Our relationship with the natural world is crucial for a healthy life.


How does it work?

Nature provides her sounds, scents, sights, and biochemistry to balance and enhance your well-being. We are all designed to be IN nature, not separate and isolated from the natural world.


Do I have to do anything?

I will teach you simple, short, and fun ways to bring nature into your daily life. You will marvel at the positive changes!

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